Our HSSE Journey
Health, Safety, Security & Environment (“HSSE”) is one of the critical enabling pillars developing OMS as a reliable partner of our customers and employees. At OMS, we build our products and provide services with a built-in quality and safety mindset, made possible through personal commitment driven by strong organisational leadership.
We continually enhance our safety performance in every facet of our business to meet and exceed industry standards.
For every incident that occurs, we conduct a thorough investigation to ensure that we minimise or even eliminate risks as reasonably practicable. We don’t engage in a culture of blame and selfishly look out for ourselves. We care for our co-workers in our desire to keep the company as well as everyone else safe.
Safety is a concerted effort; we are all collectively responsible for safety. The “Sustainable HSSE Excellence” is a journey that we must embark on moving “Beyond Zero Harm”. It is not merely complying with systems and procedures; it is the total commitment of all employees – from rank and file all the way to the main leadership.
Let us work together so that each and everyone that works for OMS, as well as those working at OMS, are always safe.
Our HSSE Policy
OMS is committed on our journey to Sustainable HSSE Excellence as we continuously seek opportunities to improve and build on our HSSE culture and systems which aim to protect all employees, stakeholders and properties as well as preserve the environment.
To implement this policy OMS shall:
- Ensure that occupational health, safety, security and environmental interests of our employees, stakeholders and the public have priority over other business objectives.
- Commit to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health, identify HSSE risks including security threats and ensure that appropriate control measures are in place to eliminate hazards and reduce HSSE risks.
- Assess the impacts of our business activities, products and services on the environment and specify objectives with respect to the reduction of environmental impacts and prevention of pollution.
- Comply with all applicable HSSE legal and other requirements while aspiring to achieve or exceed the best industrial standards.
- Implement and maintain a systematic approach to HSSE management system according to recognized standards.
- Set and review regularly HSSE objectives and targets with a goal for continual improvement.
- Ensure security of all employees, stakeholders and facilities.
- Respond appropriately to any emergency.
- Promote HSSE awareness and competency through trainings and safety programme.
- Implement effective process for HSSE participation and consultation at all levels.
- Openly recognize and communicate our HSSE performance with our employees and interested parties.
As President & CEO of OMS, my team and I fully endorse the support of this policy and give our fullest commitment to make available resources and time to ensure that OMS achieve our goal of “Beyond Zero Harm”.
How Meng Hock
President & CEO
1st October 2020
LRQA – ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 (consolidated)