Specialty Connectors & Pipes Brochure
Check out our comprehensive range of JV connector models that covers a variety of applications, from land to platform to jack-up to floater to deepwater applications.
With OMS, long established in the business of field-proven products for conductor and surface casing, our JV family of connections have been designed based on field experience, voice of client, product knowledge, product development, analysis, and testing.
All our JVDD and JVLW family connections have been evaluated and tested by an independent engineering consultant in Singapore and Houston, in accordance to applicable ISO and API standards. These connections are also manufactured at our precision machine shop facilities in Singapore, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia.
Download our brochure or visit this page to find out more about our specialty connectors and pipes.
You may also contact us via this email address sing.admin@omsos.webdevhall.com to ask questions about any of our products or services.