Thailand API 6A Certification
OMS Vision 2025 is to “create and build a dynamic organization that takes OMS into the forefront of the oil and gas industry. Diversified from a machine shop environment to an integrated oilfield services organization (products & services) delivering value to our customers.”
OMS has been in the business of machining, premium threading, repairs and welding services for more than 30 years. But this isn’t good enough for OMS to be at the forefront of the oil and gas industry, delivering value to our customers.
In 2017, OMS has taken a bold move to venture into developing our own range of Surface Wellhead, X’mas Trees and Subsea Mudline Equipment. From then till now, OMS Duri and OMS Singapore have successfully expanded the scope of API 6A license and along the way, they have had their fair share of successes in establishing our capabilities in this new business area. This success has continued on to Thailand. After months of intensive planning and preparation, OMS Thailand, Songkhla is also now a certified 6A facility. We are proud to be the 1st API6A certified company in Thailand to have reached this milestone effective 22nd January 2020.